Woman in Flite: Moona Whyte, Flite Performance Team Rider

Moona Whyte is a 3x Kitesurf World Champion and has been an integral part of Flite’s Performance Team for years. She grew up on Oahu’s North Shore, where her Dad taught her how to kitesurf at 14 years old. That was followed by learning almost all forms of surfing, including longboarding, SUPing, short boarding, foiling and eFoiling. 

If you’ve been following along with Flite for a while then she will be a familiar face, and today we are delighted to talk waves and beyond with Moona as part of our Woman in Flite series in honor of International Women’s Day.

Growing up on Oahu's North Shore, how did the world-class surf conditions shape your journey?

The amazing conditions we have made me fall in love with surfing and kitesurfing so much that I wanted to pursue it as my career. And it allowed me to get on the water almost every day, so I was able to progress quickly which helped me a lot in getting where I am today and I’m really grateful for that.

What was your first experience with Fliteboarding like, and how does it compare to kitesurfing?

It was such a cool feeling to go Fliteboarding for the first time. It was in a really glassy river and I was able to cruise around and fly above the water. It’s very different from kitesurfing so it’s hard to compare but in terms of just being able to get up and go right away, Fliteboarding is so much easier and quicker to learn, anyone can be up and riding in a day whereas kiting can take weeks to become comfortable riding.

Can you share one of your most memorable Fliteboard sessions and describe your favorite Fliteboard setup?

One of my favorite sessions was when we took the Fliteboards out to an outer reef where people normally go tow foiling with a jetski. The waves were really smooth and pretty big and we were just trading off waves. I loved being out there catching a bunch of waves without needing a jetski. My favorite setup for waves like that is the Ultra L2, MN wave with folding prop, and 1000C wing with the nano battery for less weight.

How do you balance your passion for kitesurfing with your Fliteboarding adventures?

The great thing about kitesurfing and Fliteboarding is that the conditions are always good at different times so I’m able to do both. I prefer to Fliteboard when the waves are too small for kiting or surfing, or in the mornings when there’s no wind. When it’s windy with bigger waves then I’ll go kiting and it's the perfect balance.

What does the concept of freedom mean to you, both on and off the water?

Freedom to me means having the time and space to do the things I love. For me one of the things I love most is being in the water, and it’s where I can always find moments where I feel really free, when I’m underwater just going for a quick dip in the ocean, or far out in the waves and enjoying the views around me.

How have the risks you've taken in your career contributed to your success in wave riding and beyond?

I think every competition I go to, or trip I take, or opportunity I follow gives me more experience in the water and in life in general and I learn something new every time. And just working through every challenge gives me more confidence for anything that comes my way whether it’s in or out of the water.

What are some key lessons you've learned from competing at the highest levels in kitesurfing?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned from competing is that sure it’s great to win, but at the end of the day we’re all doing these sports to have fun, and you can’t forget that. Sometimes it’s physically and mentally taxing, but a good free riding session with friends will always bring me back to why I started this in the first place.

How do you maintain your physical and mental well-being amidst the demands of professional sports?

I consider eating healthy and taking care of my body as a huge part of my life, as important as the sports themselves, so I try to always make time for that and when I’m consistent with that, I feel good mentally as well.

What advice would you give to young female athletes who aspire to follow in your footsteps?

If you have a strong passion for a sport, follow that dream and at least give it a good shot. Try to find somewhere to practise with consistently good conditions, and ride with people who are better than you, so you’ll push yourself every day.

Looking ahead, what are your next big goals or dreams in the world of water sports?

I would love to continue pushing myself in waves in every discipline, finding good waves around the world, and inspiring other girls to enjoy our great ocean playground!