Fliteboard Purchase Agreement

1. Definitions

Deposit means a non-refundable amount paid by you to us to reserve a Product when it becomes available for delivery.

Order means the order for specific Products you place with us, including any changes that are subsequently agreed by the parties. If you are purchasing through the Website, your Order will be displayed to you in the checkout of the Website. If you are purchasing directly with one of our sales representatives, your Order will be as set out in an order confirmation provided to you. If any changes to your Order are agreed, you will be provided with an updated order confirmation reflecting those changes.

Pre-order means a pre-order for specific Products you place with us that are not currently available for delivery, including any changes that are subsequently agreed by the parties. If you are purchasing through the Website, your pre-order will be displayed to you in the checkout of the Website. If you are purchasing directly with one of our sales representatives, your pre-order will be as set out in an order confirmation provided to you. If any changes to your pre-order or any subsequent Order are agreed, you will be provided with an updated order confirmation reflecting those changes.

Product or Products means any products available for Pre-order or sale by us, as displayed on our Website from time to time.

Purchase Agreement means this agreement.

Purchase Price means the price payable for any Products under the Order.

We or us means Fliteboard USA, LLC. Our has a corresponding meaning.

Website means www.Fliteboard.com.

2. General

This Purchase Agreement, and the documents incorporated by reference in this Purchase Agreement, set out the entirety of the terms of your purchase of Products from us. By placing an Order with us in any way and paying the Purchase Price, you are taken to have agreed to the terms of this Purchase Agreement.

3. Your Purchase

You agree to purchase, and we agree to sell to you, the Products detailed in the Pre-order or Order on the terms and conditions of this Purchase Agreement and the documents incorporated by reference in this Purchase Agreement.

4. Your Order

The Products ordered by you will be prepared to any specifications detailed in the Pre-order or Order. However, from time to time, certain Products will not be available or may not be available for a certain period of time. If this is the case, we will contact to you confirming available alternatives.
If you select any alternative Products because the original Products ordered by you are or become unavailable or after at the time of placing your Pre-order or Order with us, we will endeavor to provide these alternative Products without delays to your original shipping estimate. However, this may not always be possible depending on the Products selected by you and the availability of our logistics partners.
You may also write to us requesting a change to your Pre-order or Order prior to shipment. It is at our full discretion whether we allow changes once you have submitted the Pre-order or Order to us. If we accept any changes, this may result in delays in the shipping and handling of the relevant Products.
You will be required to pay any shortfall between the original Purchase Price and the Purchase Price of any alternative Products selected by you. You will be provided with a partial refund if the Purchase Price of the alternative Products is lower than the original Purchase Price.
If any alternative Products are selected by you, our supply to you of those Products will be governed by this Purchase Agreement.

5. Payment and Cancellation

The Purchase Price payable will be specified on your Pre-order or Order, including as updated. The Purchase Price will include shipping costs and any value added tax applicable. Where Fliteboard is responsible for the payment of any import duties and levies, these will be included in the Purchase Price. However, where you are responsible for the payment of any import duties and levies, these will not be included in the Purchase Price.
Once you have paid the Purchase Price and submitted your Order, you will not be able to cancel your order. Where you have submitted a Pre-order and paid a Deposit your Deposit is not refundable and will be retained by us if you cancel to reflect our reasonable costs of allowing a Pre-Order and reserving Product for you when it becomes available.

6. Shipping, import duties and other costs

Products ordered by you will be delivered to the address contained in your Pre-order or Order.
The Purchase Price includes the costs of shipping.
If you are located in the United States, all import duties and other costs will be included in the Purchase Price.
If you are located outside of a state of the United States, you will be responsible for the payment of all import duties, levies and other costs. You will also be responsible for managing any customs and importation requirements as necessary in your jurisdiction.
Please note that we may not be able to guarantee shipping to all locations and will contact you where necessary to discuss shipping options with you.

7. Shipping Date

Once you have submitted your Pre-order or Order, we will contact you with an estimated shipping date. Any shipment or delivery times given to or discussed with you are estimates only and are not binding on us. We work closely with our logistics partners to ensure clarity regarding shipping times but make no guarantees as to any shipment or delivery times. All shipment and delivery times are subject to change and the availability and service of our logistics partners. All shipment and deliver estimates may also be negatively impacted by unforeseen action or circumstance beyond our control (otherwise known as ‘Force Majeure’ events).
Further information can be found in our shipping policy, accessible https://www.fliteboard.com/pages/shipping-policy.

8. Returns

Subject to our consumer guarantee obligations, as set out in Clause 10 of this Purchase Agreement, all sales will be final, and no returns or refunds will be accepted.

9. Liability and Warranty

Your purchase with us will be governed by the terms of our warranty, as annexed to this Purchase Agreement.

10. Consumer protection laws

Certain jurisdictions have laws and regulations relating to consumer protection that cannot be contracted out of.
This Purchase Agreement will at all times be read subject to the requirements of any law, regulation or other binding instrument, and Fliteboard will meet its obligations to you under those requirements.
If any clause of this Purchase Agreement (or any part thereof) is contrary to any applicable laws or regulations of your jurisdiction, those clauses will be read down or rendered void (as applicable) in order to give effect to this Purchase Agreement.

11. Title and risk

If you are located in the United States, risk and title in the Products purchased by you will pass to you once the Products have been delivered to you.
If you are located outside of the United States, risk and title in the Products purchased by you will pass to you once the Products have been delivered to their first destination in your country and successfully processed by the relevant customs office.

12. User guide and representations

You will be provided with a user guide and other instruction material, including (where relevant) links to online materials, when you receive your Products, and from time to time as provided to you as we update or refine our materials. These materials contain instructions for safety, operation and maintenance of the Products. You acknowledge that it is essential to read and follow all of the instructions and warnings in these materials prior to assembly, setup or use, in order to operate the Products correctly and avoid damage, serious injury or death. If you cannot read these materials, or do not understand them, you must contact us for additional information or assistance, before assembling, setting up or using the Products.
You agree that other than what we have told you in writing about the Products, or what is contained in any other agreement between you and us or otherwise contained on the Website, you must not make any representations or statements about the Products to any third party. You indemnify us against any third party claims in respect of any representations or statements that you make beyond those contained in the material referred to in this paragraph.

13. Registrations and other authorizations

It may be that in the jurisdiction (including state, territory or local council) you wish to own or operate the Products, certain registrations, licenses and other authorizations are required.
We make no representation as to whether any use of the Products requires any such authorization, and you should consult all applicable local laws prior to using the Products.

14. Taxes

If any value-added tax (or similar) is payable in relation to a supply made under or in connection with this Purchase Agreement then:

(a) you must pay an additional amount to us equal to the amount of that tax at the same times as other consideration is to be provided for that supply; and
(b) our right to payment under this clause is subject to a valid tax invoice being delivered to you.

15. Privacy

Any personal information you provide to us will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy, accessible https://www.fliteboard.com/pages/privacy-policy.
You agree that we may contact you about your Order, offers and new products. You can ask us not to contact you, either unsubscribing via a link in our communications, or by contacting us.

16. Safety Waiver

Use of the Products may carry some risk, including risk of injury or death to you or any person who uses the Products.
We take every precaution to ensure that the Products are as safe as possible, and that at all times clear, up-to-date instructions for use and care of the Products are provided to our users. Using the Products at all times in conformity with all instructions, manuals, user guides, and other materials will significantly reduce the risk of harm to you and any person using the Products with you. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with all instruction and safety materials.
You acknowledge and agree that you use the Products freely, voluntarily and absolutely at your own risk and with a full appreciation of the nature and extent of all risks involved in using the Products.
You further acknowledge and agree that due to the nature of the activities associated with the Products, it would be unreasonable for us to be in any way responsible for any injury to you or any person that uses the Products, including the death of you or any person that uses the Products. To the full extent permitted by law, you waive all of your legal rights of action against and fully release us for any loss, damage, injury or death arising out of or in relation to your use of the Products, or use of the Products by any other person. This waiver includes (without limitation) any right you or any other person might derive from our liability for any negligent or tortious act or omission, our breach of duty, or breach of contract or breach of statutory duty by us, our directors, employees or agents.
This waiver is binding on you, and your executors, your legal personal representative and your estate, and we will rely on this waiver.

17. No exclusions

For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Purchase Agreement excludes, restricts or modifies or has the effect of excluding, restricting or modifying any condition, warranty, guarantee, right or remedy implied by any applicable local law that, by law, cannot be excluded, restricted or modified.

18. Place of contract

This Purchase agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New South Wales, Australia. The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the governing law jurisdiction.

19. Severance

If at any time any provision of this Purchase Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, that will not affect or impair:

(a) the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this Purchase Agreement; or
(b) the legality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other jurisdiction of that or any other provision of this Purchase Agreement.


Fliteboard Warranty

This Warranty is effective from 23 February 2021

What this Warranty covers

This Warranty applies to all Fliteboard products sold by Fliteboard Pty Ltd and any authorized reseller of any of that entity (collectively referred to as ‘Fliteboard’ in this Warranty).

Fliteboard is proud to warrant that its products will be free of defects arising from faulty materials or workmanship in the normal use of the product for the Warranty period set out below.

This means that, should you have any issue with your products, you can return these to us and be sure that you will be back on the water as soon as possible.

How long this Warranty lasts

Your Warranty lasts for 2 years from the date your product(s) are shipped to you (‘Purchase Date’).

Who can make a Warranty claim

You can make a Warranty claim if you are the owner of the product and it is within the warranty terms and period.

Please keep the invoice for your purchase for reference.

How we will honor your Warranty

If you think you have a Warranty claim, please contact us using the details below. We will step you through the process of determining whether you have a valid Warranty claim. This will usually involve working with you via photographs and videos to assess the nature and extent of the issue.

All Warranty determinations will be made by us in accordance with this Warranty and will be final.

When a Warranty claim is valid, and none of the exclusions below apply and it is not otherwise covered by a local law (see below), Fliteboard will take one of the following actions, at our discretion:

  1. supply you with a replacement product (in the case of a part, a replacement of the relevant part which is defective) free of charge in the same quantity as was initially purchased;
  2. repair the defective product; or
  3. pay for the cost of repairing the product or supplying the replacement product. 


If you have a valid Warranty claim, Fliteboard will pay for any associated shipping costs, which may be costs associated with sending the product to an authorized Flite Service Center or to Fliteboard directly.

If we receive a product submitted to us under a warranty claim and we determine, upon inspection, that it is not a valid warranty claim, we may require that you pay for the costs of shipping the product both to us and return to you, before we return the product to you. We may also advise you of any service charges if we determine a service is recommended for the product, but will not conduct any service work until you have approved our doing so. 

What this Warranty does not cover

This Warranty does not cover:

  1. damage caused by vandalism, maltreatment, interference and neglect from the Purchase Date;
  2. damage resulting from use that does not follow the care and maintenance conditions provided by Fliteboard;
  3. damage resulting from maintenance that is not in accordance or compliance with the Fliteboard maintenance procedure;
  4. damage caused by the use of accessories that are not manufactured or otherwise approved by Fliteboard;
  5. a product in which the seal of any kind is broken;
  6. damage resulting from use of the product for which it is not designed;
  7. a product that has been modified or repaired by someone other than by Fliteboard or a person authorized by Fliteboard to do so;
  8. personal injury, death, property damage or economic loss, however caused;
  9. Warranty claims made outside two (2) months from when you became aware of the defect or material damage or from when a reasonable person should have become aware of the defect or material damage;
  10. damage caused by or resulting from normal wear and tear, negligent use, wilful misconduct or malicious or improper use, including but not limited to errors or omissions made by you or another person using the product, use in unsafe locations, and/or use in unsafe conditions, such as inclement weather or otherwise not in accordance with the product manual(s) and/or instructions provided with the product.


Fliteboard reserves the right to alter its product specifications, manuals and/or instructions and introduce improvements at any time.

Local laws may have different requirements

Nothing in this Warranty excludes or restricts statutory guarantees that cannot be excluded under local laws. This Warranty should be read subject to the provisions of all relevant local laws, and, where required, Fliteboard will honor its obligations under those laws.

This Warranty is additional to any applicable statutory guarantees.

How to contact us for warranty service

Warranty service is available by contacting Fliteboard on the details below.

Head Office:        Fliteboard Pty Ltd (ACN 621 061 569)

Address:              156 Jonson Street

Phone:                 +61 2 6694 3186

Email:                  support@fliteboard.com


Fliteboard will require the following documentation to verify and support your Warranty:

  1. the receipt of purchase or the delivery receipt;
  2. the invoice number of the purchase;
  3. the Customer’s name and address;
  4. a description of the defect to the product;
  5. any further information reasonably requested by Fliteboard to verify and support the Warranty claim.


Fliteboard reserves the right to charge the person claiming the warranty for the reasonable delivery costs to supply the replacement product if Fliteboard accepts their Warranty claim.. If a Warranty claim is not accepted, the person making the Warranty claim will have to collect, or arrange for an authorized third party to collect, the product or have the product otherwise returned at their own cost.